It’s Decision Time??!!

Greetings from the Gardens, 

Joining a CSA can be a big decision. 
The logistics of something new are easy think to grab on to when you when want a reason to say no.  Don’t let that happen to you!  Here are some of the things that hold people back from CSA, and how we can help. 

#1: CSA means spending a chunk of money up front.
We know it may not always be easy to buy a season’s worth of vegetables ahead of time and in one payment.
That’s why we offer a payment plan, where you only have to pay a third of the cost upon sign up.  Paying up front allows us to buy seeds and pay for pre-harvest labor without taking out loans.
#2: I’m afraid it will be too much of the things I don’t like and not enough of the things I do.

New this year, all our shares are customizable. Electronically swap out

what you don’t like for what you do.  There are limits.  We won’t have sweet corn until the August harvest nor strawberries in September.  
We’ll pack to your specific order making sure you get what YOU want
from what is available.  

And if you do get things you don’t know how to cook with, we provide
you with the resources to learn.  Just check out RECIPES on our website.  And we still offer the ever-popular
U-Pick option!
#3: Picking up my share is just an extra thing to have to remember to do.
That’s true. No way around that. If you want to be a CSA member, you do have to commit to picking up your box on a specific day, unless you are
picking up at the farm. We can keep your share in the cooler for a couple
But we can help make it easier.  We send you weekly reminder emails. 
If you know ahead of time that you can’t pick up your box, we can help
you reschedule for a different week or for extended pickup at the farm.  Don’t let these smaller things get in the way of achieving the new way of
eating you are contemplating.  
You’ve contemplated CSA . . .You’ve read about our CSA. . .
You’ve crunched the numbers. 
It’s decision time. Now is the time to change how you eat.   And now is
the time to sign up for our CSA – before we sell out for the season. 
All you have to do is click on our website,  
The process is easy: choose a pickup site, choose your share type, and pay.
We hope to feed you and your family this summer! 
Bill, Jill, Julie and Ben
Harrison Market Gardens