Sophia’s Sorrel and Spinach Soup

Sophia’s Sorrel and Spinach Soup

This soup if from a CSA member.  It reflects her ethnic heritage.

You can either eat it cold or hot, preparation is the same for both.  If you’re making a hot soup with meat, beef or chicken, it has to be cooked first using the broth to make soup instead of water.  I usually make cold soup in the summer or when it’s warm outside.

The proportion is based on 3 quart pot that I use. Chop 2 medium size potatoes and 1 medium size onion into small pieces  (can shred 1 large carrot too), then put it in the pot with cold water, add salt and whatever other spice that you like and cook it completely until done. Chop sorrel, about 6-8 oz or about 4 cups,  and spinach (a little less spinach than sorrel) and add to the pot. Cook until sorrel and spinach change color from bright green to dark ( for about 5 min) then let it cool off completely before serving( if serving cold).

For cold soup you can chop green onions, radishes, cucumbers, hard boiled eggs and dill and add all these to a soup bowl at the time of serving, ( if you have some extra just put it in separate container and serve next day with the rest of the soup) You can also can add sour cream and some crushed crackers.

For hot soup I don’t add any veggies, just sour cream and crackers since it has meat in there.